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Associate Professor Christopher Gomez explains climate change multi-hazards in Tokyo, for the TV documentary series Sinking Cities broadcasted in USA, Canada and AmazonPrime

Last Update 2019.01.25

Associate Professor Christopher Gomez was invited to talk about the difficulties coastal cities, like Tokyo, are facing with climate change sea level rise, increased energy and frequency typhoons, etc. In Tokyo furthermore, the threat of a major earthquake and the reduction of funding to maintain infrastructures due to an ageing population and shrinking economy are putting extra-pressure on an already vulnerable system. In collaboration with professors from Waseda University and Berkeley University (USA), Christopher Gomez presents the problems and also the solutions to make Japanese coastal cities safer places.

The show has been aired on TV in USA and in Canada in 2018, and on various TV channels through Europe in 2019. Right now, you can watch it on ThinkTV in the UK, PBS in USA and Canada, AmazonPrime worldwide and on DVD. You can also listen to Christopher Gomez's interview and podcast from the website of the National Radio of New Zealand.


