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Graduate School of Maritime Sciences Assoc. Prof. C. Gomez to give Invited Lecture at the 15th International Symposium on Geo-disaster Reduction

Last Update 2017.05.01

The Disaster Prevention Research Institute and Shimane University are hosting the 15th International Symposium on Geo-disaster Reduction in coordination with The Italian University of Florence and Beijing Technological University in China. For this event, Assoc. Prof. C. Gomez has been invited to give the "invited lecture" at Kyoto University. He will be sharing the research and insights on marine and coastal disasters in the light of climate change and anthropogenic changes of the environment. developed at the Graduate School of Maritime Sciences.

The event will take place first at Shimane University before migrating to Kyoto University. C. Gomez's invited lecture will take place on August 30th, at Kyoto University. For more information, consult: