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Life in General

Harassment counseling

Kobe University strives to be a university that provides a comfortable environment in which all students and faculty members feel psychologically and physically safe and are thereby free to devote themselves to study and research and to leading fulfilling lives on campus.
Toward this, behavior that threatens the provision of a safe and comfortable education, research, and working environment shall not be tolerated.
Everyone within the University is free to form a wide range of human relations, whether in the Faculty, the Graduate School, or a club that they belong to. Human relations in the University, whether male-female relations or same-sex relations, are premised on each respecting the other's position.
We need to deal with the problem of harassment so that everyone can lead a fulfilling life on campus.

Counseling on harassment can be obtained not only from counselors, such as in the department to which the counselor belongs, but also from other counselors, including in the Mental Health Counselling Room in the Health Administration Center.
The time and place of the counseling are decide by consulting with the counselor directly.

List of counselors for harassment (for campus users only)

What is harassment?

Harassment means that someone causes you to feel humiliated, mental suffering, or other unpleasant feelings due to their unwanted words, attitudes, or behaviors toward you. Within a university environment, the most typical types of harassment are considered to be when a faculty member or student uses their own advantageous position and authority against a student or faculty member to inflict on that person who is not in a position to oppose them behavior of a sexual nature, forces them to drink alcohol or other such harassment, bullies them, impedes their research, or discriminates against them, such as for their opportunities, conditions, and evaluation for their work or studies.

Faculty members have authority, such as to allocate grades to students, and there also exist hierarchical relations between students, including between senior students and junior students within clubs and elsewhere. Therefore, a university, which typically has small spaces into which it difficult to see from the outside like research labs, classrooms, and club rooms, can be an environment in which harassment more easily occurs. The same applies to workplaces.
