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Faculty and Staff

Katsutoshi Hirayama

Ph. D in Engineering (Osaka University, 1995)
Educational Contents
The Liberal Arts: Introduction to Computer Literacy
Undergraduate Course: Mathematical Programming, Combinatorial Optimization, Strategic Decision Making, Introduction to Logistics Study
Graduate Course: Intelligent Decision Making, Advanced Navigational Information Systems
Research Interests
My major field is computer science. I have investigated optimization/satisfaction algorithms that solve various problems in economics, logistics, or information systems. I have special interests in extending problem formulations and algorithms in order to deal with the distributed or dynamic nature of the world. The fields related to my research are Artificial Intelligence, Multi-agent Systems, Operations Research, and Game Theory. I have been conducting the following projects
  • Distributed Constraint Satisfaction
  • Distributed Constraint Optimization
  • Distributed Lagrangian Relaxation
  • Weighted Partial Max-SAT
  • Distributed SAT
  • Dynamic SAT with Decision Change Costs
  • Payoff Division for Coalitional Game
Message for Students
Learn some theories and methodologies while you are young. On top of that, develop yourself to have good taste in research questions.
Research Areas
Artificial Intelligence, Multi-agent Systems, Operations Research
Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI), Operations Research Society of Japan (ORSJ)
Academic Journals
Artificial Intelligence, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Constraints, Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
International Conferences
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents & Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS), International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP)