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Last Update 2023.04.01

Sholdt Gregory Paulショルト  グレゴリー  ポール
修士(教育学) : ハワイ大学 1995年
全学共通: Academic English Communication A、 Academic English Communication B
 学部: コミュニケーション英語A&B、コミュニケーション英語C&D、ライティング英語A & B、 ライティング英語C & D、 海事英語1、 海事英語2
異文化コミュニケーション、 外国語教師養成、 教育評価・測定、 教育調査法
Remember that you have a special chance to improve your English skills with the guidance of an experienced teacher and a group of like-minded students while studying at university. Students who graduate with strong English skills can find new and exciting professional and personal opportunities in the future. Set your goals, make English learning a priority, and maximize your effort on your work in and out of the classroom. Come to class with a positive attitude, speak as much as you can, don’t worry about mistakes, encourage your classmates, and make it all as enjoyable as you can. With enthusiasm and effort, you will succeed and the rewards will be significant.